According to the National Geographic blog, the fruit “contains six times as much vitamin C as oranges, twice as much calcium as milk, and plenty of B vitamins, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, and antioxidants.” Ah yes antioxidants. Where would the superfruit be without its store of antioxidants? And it’s definitely safe; the FDA says so. In fact, in the fall of 2009, the FDA approved the use of baobab in foods and drinks, and the dried fruit powder (which is actually the natural state of the fruit pulp) was assigned GRAS status. This means: generally regarded as safe. In Africa, the fruit has been harvested for centuries for its medicinal qualities. Not only is it considered a general cure-all tonic, but it’s also commonly used particularly to treat fevers, malaria, gastric problems, and vitamin C deficiency among other ailments.
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