Homemade Parathas is a classic dish that is prepared in different variations all over the world. Be it breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It can easily be taken as a boxed lunch as well. It is widely used around the world and can be eaten with curries, chutneys or even a cup of chai. It’s a great comfort food for savory and sweet dishes and adds the perfect touch to any meal!

4 cups all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 egg
2 cups warm water, start adding slowing, you might to need all the water For the layers
3 tbsp ghee corn starch For frying the parathas you will need some ghee

Method: Bind the dough using all the ingredients listed above except for the corn starch and ghee. knead the dough really well and the dough should be not too stiff and not too soft, making sure by resting the dough yields great results. Rest the dough for about 25 to 30 minutes. Make seven balls and make any of the methods mentioned in the video above. You will need some ghee for cooking the parathas, cook on both sides until the are golden brown. This can be enjoyed with any curry, or even butter and a hot cup of tea.

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