A delicious dessert that is sweet and crunchy and most of all it is super easy to make!
2 packets vermicelli crushed
2 tbsp of ghee or 1 stick of butter
21 oz sweet condensed milk or 11/2 cans of condensed milk (14oz)
2 tbsp crushed pistachios (reserve some for garnishing)
3 tbsp crushed unsweetened desiccated coconut (reserve some for garnishing)
Melt the butter and add the crushed vermicelli fry for about 3 min or until it is crispy and you can smell a beautiful aroma, at this time add the pistachios, coconut and mix really well until all the ingredients have combined really well, now go ahead and add the sweet condensed milk stir and if you want to make them into bars than add it to a pyrex dish and garnish with the coconut and pistachios, if you want to make the balls make small balls while the mixture is still warm and roll them in the coconut!


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